Jette Jertz

Jette Jertz. 1973 born in Essen-Kettwig, Germany. Studies at the Alanus Kunsthochschule Bonn, special education, art education and doctorate in Cologne, among others. at Prof. Dr. Toennis, Prof. Dr. Bucholz. Free art with Prof. Dr. Zepf, lecturer at the Düsseldorf Art Academy. Informal painting by M. Baumgartner (MASU), Austria. Freelance artist since 2002. Lecturer at the KreativWerkstatt in Troisdorf. Member of the BBK Bonn and art association Rhein-Sieg-Kreis.
Exhibitions (selection): Museum Troisdorf, University of Cologne, Potzdamer Platz, Berlin; Continuum Gallery Königswinter, Kunsthaus Troisdorf, South Korea Art Fair and many more.
Jette Jertz's works emerge from presence. Based on informal painting, she seeks an analytical and painterly solution in relation to art history, current affairs and the individuality of the artist. The plurality of artistic forms of expression is viewed as a gift and as a challenge not to lose oneself in the superficial.

Coming to terms with a choice related to one's actual identity is essential in her work. This is not about either informal painting or conceptual painting, but about bringing together the pictorial plurality with one's own spirit based on individual choice.
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